25.2 C
New York



This channel has been online since November 2016!
This channel has 10000+ views!
I am looking for work, email me at rbanchs32@gmail.com.
Also email me to chat, that’s always welcome.

Here are the skills I have:
– 8 years work experience in English proofreading/online non-voice English tutoring (grammar, essay structure, essay writing, story writing).
– 2 years experience as a blogger (managing affiliate/referral links, posting niche-related posts, managing a tip jar, keeping a site active).
– 2 months experience at CAPTCHA data entry (freelancing)
– Microsoft Paint/Adobe Photoshop (basic proficiency – cropping, converting photo formats, tilting/flipping/skewing/resizing, adding shapes/textboxes, adding color with paintbrush/pencil/etc. tools)
– Windows Movie Maker/Windows 11 Video Editor (intermediate proficiency – adding titles/credits/transitions, trimming clips, adding photos/mp3 audio, slowing down/speeding up clips, choosing between high/low/mid-quality settings)
– Basic proficiency with Tumblr.com and Blogger.com (changing backgrounds/themes/profile pictures, adding descriptions/titles, adding hyperlinks/banners, posting text/non-text media such as JPEG/GIF/audio/links, basic editing of a template/theme’s HTML and CSS)
– Basic cooking and baking – chocolate chip cookies, no-flour banana pancakes, potato salad, no-bake graham mango cake, basic beef/pork hamburgers, potato mojos, chocolate milkshakes, fruit smoothies, basic pizza, leche flan, pork sinigang, fried chicken, macaroni soup, macaroni and cheese. Basic proficiency at boiling, frying, baking, steaming, cooking rice with a rice cooker. Can cook without supervision (stoves/baking ovens/blenders).
– Rudimentary skill at playing the guitar – can play basic chords – G/C/A/E/Em/Am
– Rudimentary skill at playing the piano – can play simple tunes by ear.
Basic housekeeping – sweeping/disinfecting floors, disinfecting washrooms, dishwashing by hand, cleaning laundry with a washing machine, basic zipper repair using graphite pencils and/or pliers, giving a basic skinhead haircut with an electric razor, making a DIY bar lock with 2 metal forks.
Language Fluency:
Intermediate English language fluency (verbal, written)
Intermediate Filipino language fluency (verbal, written)
Rudimentary Japanese verbal fluency (can speak and understand rudimentary spoken hiragana/katakana – greetings, numbers, polite/informal terms, basic verb usage, nouns/pronouns, basic words used in typical conversation)
Rudimentary Japanese written fluency (can read and write basic hiragana and/or katakana if it is typed with English letters).

I live in Pasig, Manila, Philippines.

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