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Symptoms of Substance Abuse in a Child #drugaddition #substanceabuseawareness #nashamuktikendra


Hey Mothers! Are you worried about your child and the dangers of substance abuse? Want to know the symptoms of substance abuse in a child? #drugaddition #substanceabuseawareness #nashamuktikendra

Here is a summary of the video in English:

You’re not alone. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to experimenting with drugs, alcohol, and other substances. But the good news is that you can play a crucial role in helping your child make healthy choices.

In this video, we’ll explore the reasons why teens might turn to substances, the warning signs to watch for, and most importantly, effective strategies for teen substance abuse prevention.

Why Talk About Substance Abuse?

Open communication is key. Talking to your teen about substance abuse early on, even before they seem interested, can make a big difference. This early intervention allows you to address their curiosity and concerns in a safe space, without judgment. Remember, knowledge is power! By equipping your teen with information about the dangers of substance abuse, you empower them to resist peer pressure and make informed decisions.

Root Causes of Teen Substance Abuse?

There are many reasons why a teen might turn to substances. Some common risk factors include:

Self-medication: Using substances to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression.
Pleasure-seeking: Chasing the temporary highs substances can offer.
Low self-esteem: Seeking a sense of confidence or belonging through substances.
Risk-taking behaviour: Some teens are naturally more prone to experimentation.
Social influences: Peer pressure, fitting in with a specific group.
Over-controlling Parents: a lot of pressure from parents can lead to detachment.

Identifying Warning Signs:

Be aware of changes in your teen’s behaviour. Here are some potential warning signs:

Behavioural changes: Mood swings, withdrawal from activities they used to enjoy, decline in academic performance.
Financial changes: Sudden need for more money, unexplained disappearances of money or valuables.
Physical changes: Bloodshot eyes, changes in sleep patterns, weight loss or gain.
Emotional changes: Increased irritability, anger outbursts, depression.
Social changes: New friend groups with negative influences, skipping school or spending less time at home.
Changes in phone/internet usage: Secretive or suspicious online behaviour.

Substance Abuse Prevention Strategies that can be applied by parents:

Now, let’s talk about how you can help prevent substance abuse in your teen. Here are some effective strategies:

Build a strong bond: Develop a loving and supportive relationship where your teen feels comfortable talking to you openly.
Open communication: Talk openly and honestly about substance abuse, addressing their curiosity and concerns in a safe and judgment-free environment.
Set clear expectations: Establish clear rules and consequences regarding substance abuse.
Positive coping mechanisms: Teach your child healthy ways to manage stress, anxiety, and negative emotions.
Quality time: Spend quality time with your teen, engaging in activities they enjoy.
Positive role model: Be a positive role model by demonstrating healthy coping mechanisms and responsible behaviour.
Seek professional help: If you suspect your teen is struggling with substance abuse, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist or counsellor who specialises in addiction.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are many resources available to help you and your teen. By working together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for our teens to thrive.

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Overview of the Report
(Disclaimer: This data is publicly available. We are providing links to these reports to increase awareness. We have not personally developed these reports and are not associated with the reports in any manner. Read and understand at your own discretion.)






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