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🕵⚽️👉👉 How to connect an external XRP wallet!! 💥🔥🚀😉👍 #CryptoBjorn #BTC


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👨‍🏫🕵👉 Telegram: https://t.me/+YxEl49_TKVQyYTc1 😉👍

✅👨‍🏫🕵👉👉 For and join the Football-fan Clubs: https://super.one/OsYttNVLAw 🔥🚀😉👍

✅👨‍🏫🕵👉👉 SuperOne – How to connect an external XRP wallet To implement real time payments Affiliates need to connect an external XRP wallet to their account. External wallets need to be activated first by adding 10XRP from an exchange or other source. We do not recommend connection SuperOne to an Exchange account: https://youtu.be/x0Ort-Y_DQk 😉👍

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DISCLAIMER: The values of Crypto & Virtual Assets are variable, cannot be guaranteed and can be highly volatile. Nothing on this channel is financial advice, just my opinion.

1. ✅👨‍🏫🕵⚽️👉👉 For and join the Football-fan Clubs: https://super.one/OsYttNVLAw ⚽️🔥🚀⚽️😉👍

2. ✅👨‍🏫⚡🕵👉 Telegram: https://t.me/+YxEl49_TKVQyYTc1 🔥🚀😉👍

3. ✅👨‍🏫⚡🕵👉👉 Go full-time crypto on my Facebook group with over 26,000 members for all the information you need: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cryptobjorn 💎💥🔥🚀😉👍


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